Foundation Projects & Recipients

To date, more than 115 entities have received funding. Some of those projects are listed below:

Association Projects

  1. AED for Ranger Cart

  2. AED’s in SCOV facilities

  3. Aquatic/Fitness Center Art work

  4. Aquatic/Fitness Center Exercise Machine

  5. Aquatic/Fitness Center Lounge Furnishings

  6. Auditorium Sound System

  7. Bus Stop Bench

  8. Restaurant Furnishings Interior

  9. Restaurant Patio Furniture

  10. Camcorder & Audio Mix

  11. Catalina Vista Landscaping

  12. DO Solar Panels

  13. Fitness Computer

  14. Fitness Equipment

  15. Fountain for Pond

  16. Gift Shop Renovation

  17. Grand Piano

  18. Multi-media Projector

  19. Stackable Chairs

  20. Tee Boxes

  21. Video Equipment

  22. White Board

Communtity Outreach

  1. AARP

  2. ALOHA (Adult Lost of Hearing Assn.)

  3. Amphi Foundation

  4. Boys and Girls Clubs of Tucson

  5. CHRPA

  6. Camp Sunshine

  7. Casa dos los Ninos

  8. Catalina Boy Scouts

  9. Catalina Community Service

  10. Catalina State Park

  11. Coalition for Sonoran Desert

  12. Golder Ranch Fire

  13. Greater Oro Valley Arts Council

  14. Hermitage Cat Shelter

  15. ICS Food Bank – SCOV Cyclists

  16. Interfaith Community Service

  17. Literacy Connects – SCOV Volunteers

  18. Northwest YMCA

  19. Oro Valley Hospital

  20. Oro Valley Police Department

  21. Save Sabino Canyon – Hiking Club

  22. SCOV Charity Works - Emerge!

  23. U of A Cancer Research – Views Golf Leagues

  24. Wheels for Kids – Seniors for Kids

  25. YOTO – Rock and Roll Club


  1. Astronomy

  2. Balance Class

  3. Bocce

  4. Casas Amigas

  5. Clay Club

  6. Community Assistance Committee

  7. Computer Club

  8. Dog Park – Fido’s Friends

  9. Energetic Exercise

  10. Friends of the Library

  11. Genealogy

  12. Horseshoe Pit

  13. Modelers Club

  14. POP Tennis

  15. Photo Club

  16. Pickleball Club

  17. Quilting Group

  18. Stained Glass

  19. Sun City Singers

  20. Tennis Club Awning

  21. Thimblelenas

  22. Trauma Teddies

  23. Ukulele Club

  24. Veteran’s Club

  25. Woodworking Shop

  26. Writer’s Club

Foundation Projects

  1. Dispose-A-Med

  2. Shredding Day